Homeschool Out of the Box Homeschool Out of the Box Untitled Header Image Homeschool Out of the Box Homeschool Out of the Box Untitled Header Image



When and where do you meet?


We currently meet on Thursdays at Oaklette United Methodist Church at 520 Oaklette Dr, Chesapeake, 23325, near the intersection of S. Military Highway and Indian River Rd.  


Can I visit the co-op?


Yes. Visitors are welcome to visit during our Fall and Spring semesters, but must schedule a visit by emailing [email protected]

If you would like to observe or participate in a class, schedule your visit at least a week in advance so that teachers may have adequate supplies and supervision for an extra student.



May I drop off my child?


Generally speaking, HSOBX is not a drop-off program. Each child must be paired with a custodial adult for the day. The vast majority of the time, this adult is the child’s parent. Occasionally, parents will make arrangements to supervise each other’s children. If you do trade parenting duties with another parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that the surrogate has the necessary information and authority to make decisions in case of an emergency. Teens ages 16+ may be dropped off or drive themselves, with the permission of a Board member. These arrangements will be made at the beginning of each semester. 


How much is registration?


The registration fee for new families is $95+$5 per child.

Current and returning families pay a registration fee of $80+5 per child per semester.


How and when can I register?


Family registration opens near the end of the semester, and class selection for continuing families begins on the Monday after the last day of classes. Class selection for returning and new families begins shortly after.


When do classes start?


The academic year at HSOBX comprises two 15-week semesters. The fall semester begins the first Thursday after Labor Day. The spring semester begins the first Thursday in February. All important dates can be found on the calendar page on this website.


Are there any breaks during the semester?


We take a week off for Thanksgiving in the fall and either the 9th week or Easter week off for Spring Break.


How much are the classes?


One-day class fees typically range from $80 to $145 per semester. That is $20 to $50 per month or $6 to $11 per class. Each class offers a minimum of 14 hours of instruction per semester. Two-day classes may cost up to $300 per semester. See the class descriptions for payment details.


How do I pay for classes?


Class fees are paid directly to the teacher and are paid in full on the first day of class. If you prefer to pay in 3 installments, those can be made on the first day of the semester, and the first class each month of the two subsequent months. Payment in 3 installments will result in a slightly higher total class fee.

Payments are made directly from families to teachers; checks should be left in the teacher’s folder (with child's name on the check), and cash payments should be made directly to the teacher. A receipt book is available for use and is located in the file box on the Admin table. Some of our instructors accept PayPal.


Do I have to pay for classes we miss?


By registering for a class, you are agreeing to pay the semester’s fee, either in one lump sum or by installments. Parents are expected to pay for classes held, even if the student misses. Semester fees may be prorated due to class cancellation.


Do I have to take all the classes?


Classes are offered independently. Some families make a day of it and take all available offerings. Some families come only for one class. We encourage families to register for classes their children are excited about attending, whether that is one class or four.


Can I teach a class at HSOBX?


If you are interested in teaching a class, please see our Teacher Handbook.


May I enroll my child, who is academically advanced, in a class above their age level?


We ask that all students be enrolled in the appropriate age group classes. We have many exceptional students who thrive in the challenging classes we offer and benefit from being among their age group peer. If adjustments need to be made down the line, we are always willing to work towards a solution that best serves the student, as well as the class as a whole. Please see the Parent and Student Handbook for specifics about registering a child in an above age group class.